If you don't know where to go or where to start . . . start with us.
We Are Here to Support You
The Dean of Student Advocacy Office (DOSA) can provide direct support to help you find the resources you need. The Dean of Student Advocacy Office aims to help students chart a path toward success.
Emergency Financial Assistance
On Campus Resources
Community Resources
Food Insecurity Assistance
Community Resources
Crises Services & Hotlines
24x7 Crises Support 804-828-6200
Concerned about myself or student
University Student Health Services (804) 828-8828 or MCV Campus at (804) 828-9220
For emergencies or immediate safety concerns, call VCU Police at (804) 828-1234
(804) 828-8940 (MCV)
Dr. Noel Cortez | Assistant Dean of Students | Director of Graduate and Professional Student Initiatives