Religious Accommodation Guidance
Guidance and supplemental resources for religious inclusion.
VCU is committed to providing students, on an individual basis, reasonable accommodation for sincerely held religious beliefs or observances without adverse academic consequences. Students wishing to request academic accommodations, such as class absence, for a religious observance should provide written notification to the course instructor as soon as possible to allow the student and instructor to engage in an interactive discussion. Students are responsible for completing any missed academic work as soon as possible and through mutual agreement with the instructor. Students or faculty members with questions about an accommodation for religious observance may contact Equity and Access Services for guidance.
Other Accommodations
Contact the appropriate department below for further guidance related to religious accommodations.
Dining Accommodations
Contact VCUDining@vcu.edu for information about religious accommodations for meal plans at the earliest possible opportunity after admission.
Housing Accommodations
Contact vcuhousing@vcu.edu for information about religious accommodations for housing at the earliest possible opportunity after admission; ideally, this should be done before housing is requested.
Medical and Immunization Accommodations
As with housing and dining accommodations, medical accommodations should be made at the earliest possible opportunity after admission. For questions related to immunizations, contact 804-827-8047. Requirements differ depending on the degree; please contact University Student Health Services for more information.