On-Campus Resources
Campus Learning Center
The Campus Learning Center (CLC) provides quality academic support to all Virginia Commonwealth University undergraduates. From one-on-one tutoring, academic coaching and drop-in tutoring to Supplemental Instruction sessions, the CLC offers a variety of ways to help students do well in their classes and reach their academic goals.
Hibbs Hall, First Floor
900 Park Ave.
M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
P: (804) 827-8108
E: clc@vcu.edu
Career Services
Through individualized career and professional development, Career Service bridges VCU with industry by delivering relevant services and providing success strategies. They build and maintain community relationships through strategic engagement including evaluation, intentional outreach, and active collaboration.
Division of Student Success
907 Floyd Ave, Room 143
M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
Hunton Student Center, 2nd Floor, Room 205
1110 E. Broad Street
By Appointment Only
P: (804) 828-1645
E: careers@vcu.edu
Dean of Student Advocacy Office
The Dean of Student Advocacy Office offers support and resources for students, faculty, parents, and community members who are concerned for a student’s well-being. Students can also contact the Dean of Student Advocacy Office with questions and concerns regarding their own needs dealing with life situations that are impacting their academic and personal success at VCU.
Sitterding House
901 Floyd Ave.
Hunton Student Center, 2nd Floor
1110 E. Broad St.
P: (804) 828-1244
E: vcudean@vcu.edu
Division for Academic Success (MCV)
Division for Academic Success (DAS) offers academic support services to students in the VCU Health Sciences schools: Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing and Pharmacy. DAS also provides disability support services to students on the MCV Campus who have a documented disability. If you would like to request accommodations, it is recommended that you meet with a staff member at least four weeks before classes are scheduled to begin. The meetings are confidential and are one on one.
VMI Building
1000 E. Marshall St., Suite 231
P:(804) 828-9782
E: acadsuccess@vcu.edu
Division of Student Affairs
Find a cause, mission or service opportunity to get involved with; get involved on campus through student clubs and organizations, Greek Life or volunteer opportunities; join an Upperclassmen Living-Learning Program that enables students to have an all-encompassing learning experience; become a leader on campus; or find a place to work while you're at VCU.
901 Floyd Ave.
P: (804) 828-8940
E: dsa@vcu.edu
Equity and Access Services
Equity and Access Services is committed to fostering a safe environment and ensuring equal access to education and related services to everyone affiliated with the VCU community, including visitors and job applicants, through the following areas: Title IX, all forms of discrimination/harassment, employment equity, and American with Disability Act services.
Moseley House
1001 Grove Ave.
P: (804) 828-1347 or (804) 828-6404
E: equity@vcu.edu
Financial Aid (Monroe Park)
The Office of Financial Aid provides information and assistance on aid programs and financing options to qualified student who desire to pursue an education at VCU may do so without the hindrance of financial barriers. Provides assistance with: Collecting and reviewing financial aid documents, Checking disbursement status, Reviewing, accounts for outstanding items, and Providing information on alternative funding sources. Qualified students can pay their bill in four equal installments throughout the semester with the Installment Payment Plan.
Monroe Park Campus
Harris Hall, First Floor
1015 Floyd Ave.
M-F 8:00am - 5:00 pm
P: (804) 828-6669
E: last names A-G faidmailag@vcu.edu; last names H-N faidmailhn@vcu.edu; last names O-Z faidmailoz@vcu.edu
Fraternity and Sorority Life
The Fraternity and Sorority Life Office provides guidance and support to 40 international fraternities and sororities at Virginia Commonwealth University.
907 Floyd Ave.
P: (804) 828-6500
E: contactusca@vcu.edu
Free Store
The Free Store is an on-campus resource that promotes equitable access to everyday needs like school/art supplies, electronics, home goods and plenty more. VCU students, staff and faculty can donate items and can take items for free! Donations can be accepted anytime.
new location (as of Fall 2023!) : 930 West Grace Street
Graduate & Professional Student Programming Board (GSPB)
Develops a culture of engagement through coordination of social, personal and professional enrichment and community engagement programs at the MCV and Monroe Park Campuses.
1110 East Broad St., Room 305 (Hunton Student Center)
E: gspb@vcu.edu
GRTC Pulse
Students, faculty, and staff - at no cost to you - have unlimited transportation access on GRTC's Pulse Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and regular fixed-route bus service (local and express) - thanks to a new partnership with GRTC. Present your VCU-, VCU Health System- or Virginia Premier-issued ID card to the bus driver upon boarding. Riders should continue to present their GO Pass, receipt, and their VCU, VCU Health System or Virginia Premier identification card when riding the Pulse. A mobile pass is expected to be available for students and employees in 2020, which will replace the physical GO Passes. Additionally, in an effort to eliminate redundant services and contribute to the cost of the new partnership, VCU will eliminate its current Campus Connector transportation service, effective July 1, 2019.
1108 W. Broad St.
P: (804) 828-7275 (PARK)
LiveSafe App
VCU Police provides the LiveSafe mobile app to the VCU community. The free app is extremely user friendly and available on all Android and iOS devices. It is a powerful safety tool that allows for more efficient exchanges of information between members of the community and the police department. Users can send the VCU Police information about crimes or ongoing incidents. Users can even send along photos or videos evidence of what is occurring. The VCU Police can also transmit information to users about ongoing incidents or important safety tips. Tips submitted through LiveSafe are monitored by VCU Police dispatchers 24/7, just as all emergency calls at VCU are monitored.
224 E. Broad St.
P: (804) 828-1196
Military Student Services
Military Student Services addresses the unique needs of incoming and current veterans, active military and dependent students by counseling them during the application process, directing them to available educational benefits and referring them to helpful university services during their time here.
Harris Hall, Third Floor
1015 Floyd Ave.
M-F 8:00am - 5:00 pm (extended hours during exams)
P: (804) 828-6563
E: militaryserv@vcu.edu
Name Change Resources
VCU supports a culture of inclusion and respect for persons of all backgrounds and identities. The Dean of Student Advocacy Office can assist you in navigating VCU’s process for making changes to some university records regarding your gender, name of use (i.e., not legal name) and other related information such as pronouns and title to reflect your identity. Please be aware that some student records must contain your legal name or currently cannot be changed due to the information system. The information provided will only be shared as needed and per each student’s instructions. Your privacy is respected at all times and only the information necessary to make the change will be provided.
P: (804) 828-8940
E: vcudean@vcu.edu
Off Campus Student Services
Off Campus Student Services provides resources and information for students looking for off campus housing.
907 Floyd Ave.
P: (804) 828-6500
E: offcampus@vcu.edu
Office of Global Education
The Global Education Office provides a one-stop shop where international students and scholars find the suite of services that help make the most of the opportunity. They support international exchange students at VCU and VCU students who want to study abroad.
Global Education Office
912 W. Grace St.
M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
P: (804) 828-8471
E: geo@vcu.edu
Office of Multicultural Affairs (OMSA)
OMSA is a resource for Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) students, faculty and staff. The primary mission of OMSA is to assist traditionally underserved and/or underrepresented student populations (i.e. race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender) through advising, support, program development, retention, mentoring and by promoting an appreciation of diversity throughout the campus community.
907 Floyd Ave., Room 215
P: (804) 828-6672
E: omsa@vcu.edu
VCU parking maintains several permit-controlled as well as visitor parking facilities on the Monroe Park campus, MCV campus and off-campus facilities. By becoming a VCU Parking subscriber, students, faculty and staff are able to enjoy a guaranteed parking space, monitored well-lit facilities and enrollment free Motorist Assistance. In addition to our parking solutions, we also maintain a vast alternative transportation program, on-campus shuttle system, and attractive carpool program.
1108 W. Broad St.
P: (804) 828-7275
E: https://parking.vcu.edu/contact-us/
The RamBikes Shop provides free bicycle service and education to students, faculty and staff. If you need a tune up or have questions about doing repairs yourself, just drop in during our open hours. RamBikes offers free rentals of commuter cruisers to students, faculty and staff. All you need is your VCU ID and you can rent a bicycle, with a helmet and lights included, for up to 48 hours at a time. For do-it-yourself riders, RamBikes manages multiple Fix-It stands and tire inflation facilities on campus, equipped with tools you need on the go or a pump to give you some extra air throughout the day.
NEW location : 1106 W. Broad Street (on Broad near Harrison Street)
P: 804-828-BIKE (2453)
E: rambikes@vcu.edu
RamPantry exists to address food insecurity by providing in-need VCU students with emergency food. Any VCU student with a VCU ID can access the Pantry. Food can be picked up at RamPantry at a variety of times detailed here : https://dos.vcu.edu/services/ram-pantry/
NEW location (as of Sept 2023!) : 930 West Grace Street
P: (804) 828-4514
E: rampantry@vcu.edu
Rams in Recovery
Rams in Recovery is VCU's Collegiate Recovery Program which works to ensure that students do not have to choose between their recovery and their education. We support students inside and outside the classroom, organize events and trips, offer recovery housing and scholarships, and provide space and support for recovery meetings.
P: (804) 828-1663
E: recovery@vcu.edu
A one-stop shop for student involvement where students can learn more about VCU's communities, student organizations, and related events to connect and engage.
907 Floyd Ave, Suite 104
Records and Registration Services
Provides assistance with: Registering for classes, Withdrawing or dropping from classes, Providing copies of student schedules, Processing transcript requests, Processing enrollment verifications, Updating student address information, Degree Audits, Residency Appeals, and Explaining registration holds.
Harris Hall, First Floor Room 1100
1015 Floyd Ave.
M-F 8:00am - 5:00 pm
P: (804) 828-1550
E: ssc@vcu.edu
Recreation and Well-Being
VCU Recreation and Well-Being (RecWell) was created to bring together two separate departments with the same vision of making VCU a healthier and happier place to learn, work, and grow.
Even though the name has changed, the commitment of both Recreational Sports and the Health Promotion and Well-Being Center to you has not changed. We are still continuing to offer the high-quality programs and services you have come to expect and rely on.
The Well promotes wellness as the foundation for student success by providing support and resources for: empowering students to practice safer and healthy behaviors, fostering inclusive and diverse environments, and advocating for systemic change.
101 S. Linden St.
P: (804) 828-9355
E: thewell@vcu.edu
VCU Recreation offers a diversity of programmed and informal recreational, fitness and sports activities for the VCU community. Resources include: recreation spaces, open recreation courts, equipment checkout and rental, space reservations, tennis/ racquetball court reservations.
P: (804) 827-1100
E: recsports@vcu.edu
Regalia Assistance
Regalia assistance will be administered through the Division of Student Affairs. Students must complete the application form. Financial need will be considered as part of the process. Students can retrieve their regalia from their respective Barnes & Noble @ VCU store on either campus per the timeline below. Reimbursement will not be made to students who have previously purchased regalia; assistance is not applicable for online purchases.
901 Floyd Ave.
P: (804) 828-1244
E: dsa@vcu.edu
Residential Life & Housing (Main Office)
Residential Life & Housing (Main Office) provides on-campus housing and living learning programs for undergraduates and graduate students.
721 W. Main St.
P: (804) 828-7666
E: vcuhousing@vcu.edu
Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunities
Student Accessibility and Educational Opportunity (SAEO) is the designated office on VCU's Monroe Park Campus charged with fostering an environment where all students have equal access to the University's programs, services, and activities.
Division of Student Success
907 Floyd Ave, Room 018
M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm
P: (804) 828-2253
E: saeo@vcu.edu
Student Accounting/ Bills/ Tuition
Provides assistance with: providing copies of and explaining student bills, verifying payments and refunds, explaining any accounting-related holds, and accepting third party scholarship checks and billing authorization.
Monroe Park Campus
Harris Hall
1015 Floyd Avenue, First Floor
MCV Campus
Schools of Allied Health Professions, Nursing and Pharmacy
VMI Building
1000 East Marshall Street, Room 323
School of Medicine
Sanger Hall
1101 East Marshall Street, Room 1-008
P: (804) 828-2228
E: stuacctg@vcu.edu
Student Commons and Activities
Located at the heart of VCU's Monroe Park Campus, the University Student Commons, known as "The Commons," is the campus center for daily activities and a gathering place for the university community.
907 Floyd Ave.
P: (804) 828- 6500
E: contactusca@vcu.edu
Student Conduct and Academic Integrity
Student Conduct and Academic Integrity is responsible for the administration of the Student Code of Conduct, the VCU Honor System, and other related policies – including policy creation, regular assessment, and compliance with federal reporting.
809 W. Broad St., 2nd Floor
No Elevator - call 804-828-1963 to make accommodations
P: (804) 828-1963
E: honorsystem@vcu.edu; stucoduct@vcu.edu
Student Government Association
The Student Government Association (SGA) works to promote student involvement and actively seek out and represent student opinions by not only working with students but also by ensuring student presence on committees and councils around the University. Additionally, VCU SGA is responsible for appropriating money from the Student Activity Fee to student organizations.
907 Floyd Ave.
P: (804) 828-7551
E: sga@vcu.edu
Student Health Services
VCU Student Health Services is a nationally accredited primary care clinic. In addition to general primary care services, we provide mental health, travel medicine, and nutrition consultations. We have a laboratory at both sites and a pharmacy at the Monroe Park Campus clinic. Patients are seen by appointment. There is a provider on call for after hours emergencies.
Monroe Park Campus
1300 W. Broad St., Suite 2200
Hours : 8AM-4:30PM Mon - Thursday
10AM - 4:30PM Fridays
P: (804) 828-8828
MCV Campus
1000 E. Marshall St., Room 305
Hours : 8AM-4:30PM Mon - Thursday
10AM - 4:30PM Fridays
P: (804) 828-9220
After-Hours: (804) 828-8828 or (804) 828-9220
Survivor Support Services
Confidential Advocates at University Counseling Services can help students determine their needs in regards to health (physical, mental and emotional), reporting options and academic concerns after experiencing sexual assault, dating violence, and/or stalking. They provide information on personal safety, boundaries, relationships, campus & community resources and can accompany students to appointments with Police, Title IX, VCU Health and more. Students are not obligated to report to police or Title IX in order to work with Survivor Support Services.
P: (804) 828-6200
E: Myoptions@vcu.edu
W: https://counseling.vcu.edu/about/survivor-support-services-staff/
Transfer Center
The VCU Transfer Center is dedicated to providing information, and support to transfer students, which will enhance their opportunities to develop strong academic preparation; ensure a smooth and seamless transition to Virginia Commonwealth University; and provide the resources necessary for successful progress toward graduation.
Hibbs Hall, Room 224
900 Park Ave.
M-F 8:00am - 4:30pm
P: (804) 827-1349
E: transferinfo@vcu.edu
University Counseling Services
University Counseling Services aims to provide comprehensive evaluation and consultation for students on best options for their mental health care. This information can include any of the following: case management, referral services to a community provider, brief individual and couples therapy, group therapy, consultation, and resiliency workshops.
University Student Commons, Room 238
907 Floyd Ave.
M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
P: (804) 828-6200
VMI Building, Room 412
1000 E. Marshall St.
M-T 11:00am - 8:00pm
W-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
P: (804) 828-3964
After-Hours: (804) 828-6200
E: uccounseling@vcu.edu
VCU Financial Success Center
The VCU Financial Success Center by VACU serves as VCU's primary resource for financial wellness and education while also providing FREE peer to peer financial counseling for students regarding budgeting, credit, investing, paying down debt, and more. All appointments are strictly confidential. Reach out today to learn more!
Location: 301 W. Main Street
Snead Hall, Suite B1128
Phone: 804-828-0512
Website: go.vcu.edu/
VCU Police Department
VCU Police Department provides comprehensive law enforcement and security services to MPC, MCV, and the surrounding Richmond Community. VCU Police officers are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
224 E. Broad St.
On-Campus Emergency: (804) 828-1234
Off-Campus Emergency: 911
Writing Center
The Writing Center is a peer-based learning support service for all currently enrolled VCU students (on both campuses). Its primary focus is to help students become the strongest writers possible.
Academic Learning Commons, Fourth Floor
1000 Floyd Ave.
Hours Vary by Semester
MCV Satellite Center
Health Sciences Library, First Floor
509 N. 12th St.
Hours Vary by Semester
P: (804) 828-4851
E: writingctr1@vcu.edu
Sexual Misconduct/ Assault/ Harassment or Sex/ Gender Discrimination Resources
VCU offers care and support and encourages people to seek help as soon as possible; also, as time passes, important evidence may be lost. The VCU community can contact the VCU Police Department (which offers the You Have Options program), VCU Health System Forensic Nurse Services (through the Emergency Department), and for students, Student Health Services and University Counseling Services. Equity and Access Services serves as the Title IX office for VCU and coordinates the university's response to reports. Students can explore, in a confidential setting, available options based on individual circumstances, by contacting advocates located in University Counseling Services at MyOptions@vcu.edu.
Refer to this list of resources for instructions about the appropriate contact person based on the available options.
Financial Aid (MCV)
The Office of Financial Aid provides information and assistance on aid programs and financing options to qualified student who desire to pursue an education at VCU may do so without the hindrance of financial barriers. Provides assistance with: Collecting and reviewing financial aid documents, Checking disbursement status, Reviewing, accounts for outstanding items, and Providing information on alternative funding sources. Qualified students can pay their bill in four equal installments throughout the semester with the Installment Payment Plan.
School of Allied Health Professions, Nursing, and Pharmacy
VMI Building, Room 420
1000 E. Marshall Street
M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
P: (804) 828-2702
School of Dentistry
Lyons Building, Room 309
520 N. 12th Street
M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
P: (804) 828-9953
School of Medicine
McGlothlin Medical Education Center
1201 E. Marshall Street, Room 4-306
M-F 8:00am - 5:00pm
P: (804) 828-4006